Collage of student activities

通过加入我们众多的学生组织之一,充分利用你在主教州立大学的时间. 参与校园活动是增强你的领导能力和组织能力的好方法, meet other students and support the College. 无论你的兴趣是什么,你都会找到一个吸引你的组织或活动. Explore the information below:

BARBERING AND HAIRSTYLING ASSOCIATION (BHA): The purpose of the Bishop State Community College Barbering and Hair Styling Association is to encourage wholesome attitudes toward all aspects of barbering and hairstyling; attain cooperation between the instructors and the student body; stimulate interest in the overall concept of barbering and hairstyling; promote the Barber Code of Ethics; encourage eligible students to adhere to the rules and regulations of this organization; and continue its existence for future years to come. 所有正式报名参加理发和发型设计课程的学生均为会员. Contact: Wade Dickerson,

BISHOP STATE COLLEGE CHOIR十大安全彩票登录入口合唱团旨在探索各种风格的基本音乐时代的合唱文学. 重点放在音乐和合奏声乐技术的发展. 唱诗班在社区的公民、学校和宗教活动中代表学院. Membership is granted by audition only. Contact: Willie Williams,

C.R.A.F.T. (Creative Renditions of Artistically Fueled Talents):俱乐部的目的是让对美术感兴趣的学生通过各种活动和外展活动,探索视觉和表演艺术. The C.R.A.F.T俱乐部也会在社区中提供志愿者帮助,并与其他对美术有同样兴趣的人联系. Contact: Lydia Host or Erica Hunter

CULINARY ARTS STUDENT ASSOCIATION这个组织代表了毕晓普州立社区学院的烹饪艺术专业. 该协会参加烹饪艺术比赛,并前往食品机构和食品展,让学生们接触到各种各样的职业选择. 这个小组也参与社区服务计划,分享成员的才能,并为有需要的人提供资源. Contact: Chef Gabrielle Wilson,

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ORGANIZATION该组织在十大安全彩票网址登录促进善意和国际文化交流. 它为学生提供了与来自不同文化背景的人互动的机会和活动,丰富了他们的全球世界观. Contact Yolanda McNeil,

KAPPA BETA DELTA HONOR SOCIETY: Kappa Beta Delta荣誉协会的Iota分会是一个国际荣誉协会,在商业部门被认可为优秀学生. 符合条件的学生必须在他们的班级的前20%,至少3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Contact: Lyle Coleman, or Philip Urbanek

NATIONAL TECHNICAL HONOR SOCIETY (NTHS): The mission of NTHS is to honor student achievement and leadership, promote educational excellence, award scholarships, and enhance career opportunities. 该组织的愿景是成为在职业和技术教育方面提供卓越认可的国际领导者. Contact Daphne Stamps,

PEP SQUAD鼓舞队的存在是为了激励和促进学生、教师和员工的学校精神. All students are encouraged to join. Contact: Symentha McDonald

PHI THETA KAPPA HONOR SOCIETY: The purpose of Alpha Epsilon Nu Chapter, the local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, is to recognize academic achievements, develop leadership and skills of members, provide networking opportunities, and offer scholarships. To qualify for membership, 每位候选人必须在十大安全彩票网址登录的四个校区(包括技术校区)中的任何一个校区注册副学士学位课程。, must have completed 12 semester hours of coursework, possess a 3.50 GPA or higher, adhere to the College’s code of conduct, and demonstrate citizen and leadership traits. NOTE: If a student’s GPA falls below 3.50,他或她必须在下学期之前提高这个平均成绩,否则将被荣誉协会除名. JOIN OUR GROUP ON FACEBOOK!
Contact: Lydia Host or Simone Mosely

PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT (PTA) CLUB本俱乐部面向物理治疗师助理项目的学生开放. 它赞助社会/社区活动,并提供网络机会. 学生将了解这个令人兴奋和蓬勃发展的领域的就业机会. Contact: Lasonja Carver Eaton, or Sandra Waltman,

SIGMA KAPPA DELTA HONOR SOCIETY这个组织是建立在教育、文学和慈善的原则之上的. 学会将努力表彰两年制高等教育机构在英语语言和文学方面的杰出成就. 它提供了文化刺激,促进了周围社区对文学和英语语言的兴趣,并展示了高标准的学术成就. Contact: Dr. Lashondra Robinson,

STEM CLUBSTEM俱乐部把所有对科学领域有共同兴趣的学生聚集在一起, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). 俱乐部为学生们提供了与志趣相投的同学交流的机会, participate in exciting and informative STEM activities, and participate in mentoring. Contact: Simone Mosely or Amy Shaw

STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION (SGA)这个组织为全体十大安全彩票网址登录并代表全体学生,在促进学生之间的合作和学校精神方面起着催化剂的作用, faculty, and the administration. Students of SGA gain training in self-government and learn to lead others. SGA officers are elected during the spring semester. Contact: Symentha McDonald,

THE COLLEGIATE 100当前位置C100是一个对毕晓普州立社区学院的男学生开放的组织. 百人会的使命是通过辅导和社区服务,改善社区内的生活质量,增加教育和经济机会. Contact: Justin Thomas,

THE NIGHTINGALES:该组织是开放给所有当前十大安全彩票登录入口护理专业的学生,旨在为学生提供机会从事大学, departmental, and community service projects. It is a volunteer organization and is directed by two nursing faculty members. Contact: Devin Blackmarr,

WILDCAT AMBASSADORS一群被挑选出来的学生,他们为未来的学生充当主人和女主人, visitors, special guests, and numerous college-wide functions. 被选为大使是一种荣誉,也是个人和职业发展的绝佳机会. Students who are selected as Ambassadors possess strong interpersonal skills, leadership qualities, and genuine interest in meeting new people, a sense of school spirit and pride, and a commitment to excellence both inside and outside the classroom. 联系电话:251-405-7087学生或学生活动主任办公室